Speaker - District Governor Mina Howard

Peter Clarke • August 7, 2022

Imagine Rotary, our theme this year is for Rotarians to dream big and harness their connections and the power of Rotary to turn those dreams into reality.

It was a pleasure to host District Governor Mina Howard. District 9685 covers the northern parts of sydney, west to the blue mountains and north to lake macquarie. With 73 clubs and nearly 2000 members its a hectic schedule. 

Mina explained the story behind the Imagine Theme logo. See story on the meaning of the design.

The upcoming conference for 2023 is in Cowra. There is a rich history in this country town, it will be great to have a look around while taking in the great work that Rotary does.

Register here.

One of Mina's favourite Projects has been her husband Larrys handywork in making walking sticks from burnt bush branches from around their district in black heath. All founds raised go to Mental Health Programs via Australian Rotary Health.

After the meeting, Mina joined President Peter Clarke, pp Paul Jones and District Administration Chair & Club Member Russell Grove at our new Peace Poles Project. Reserve the date for our opening ceremony on the 16th October 2022.

Mina Howard Bio Here


Meaning of the design elements

There is, of course, a deeper meaning behind each element of the design. The circle in aboriginal culture for instance, signifies our connections to one another. The dots around it represent people and there are seven because of Rotary´s areas of focus.

The circle and the dots together become a navigation star – our guiding light. The solid line underneath is what is referred to as a digging stick and it is used when doing hard work. And since Rotary members are people of action – it represents a tool for getting things done.

The colors

The colors green, purple, and white are not necessarily connected to aboriginal culture. President-elect Jennifer Jones asked the new crew of Governors to use one, two, or all three when dressing for official events instead of using a theme jacket. “As we celebrate diversity, equity and inclusion, I wanted all of us to be able to express ourselves differently in what we wear, but still have connection,” she explained.

There are several ways to interpret the colors: Purple for example stands for polio eradication, green for the environment, the newest addition to our areas of focus, and white for peace, our core mission. Together, they are the colors of the women’s movement, the Suffragette – a subtle nod to this history as Jones pointed out, since she will be the first female RI president.

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