Speaker - Dr Chris Trethewy

AnneCharlton • September 29, 2021

Our Covid Response is in good hands with Dr Chris Trethewy

This morning we were very pleased to welcome Dr Chris Trethewy back to our club. Chris has led the Central Coast Health District’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

His role has been two-fold.  

Day to day he works as a frontline doctor in the emergency department seeing potential COVID patients on a daily basis.  

Perhaps less obvious, but equally, if not more important, was the work he has done behind the scenes. Working with colleagues from throughout the hospital - particularly intensive care and the respiratory departments, but also with executives within the hospital - he has set up systems to facilitate patient care in case of a large outbreak which could potentially overwhelm the healthcare system. This included the adaptation and implementation of a computer program designed to help staff efficiently document patient care.  

Chris spoke about the challenges of dealing with the Delta strain and how, due to the vaccination of health care workers, the Central Coast is thankfully seeing almost no transmission from patients to health care workers. 

Our club discussed how incredible it is that we have a vaccine and the way the scientists and doctors from across the globe were able to collaborate to develop a solution so quickly. Chris explained how important it is to get everyone including children vaccinated. We are seeing a jump in COVID-19 cases in Singapore - one of the most vaccinated countries globally – which is forcing the government to reintroduce restrictions. COVID-19 is becoming a disease of the unvaccinated and so we need to urgently address access and ensure supply of the vaccine to our most vulnerable populations. 

At the moment the Central Coast has a significant burden of disease in the hospitals, there is also home care and supported accommodation for people who do not have stable accommodation or require isolation from their household. The most dangerous place for transmission remains within individual households. 

Mental health has deteriorated and anxiety problems have increased significantly in our community throughout this pandemic. People have suffered in so many ways. 

We feel very grateful to all healthcare workers globally and give special thanks to local health care workers here on the coast. 

We acknowledge the leadership role Chris has played in our community and the substantial time away from family and personal risk of working on the front line during a pandemic. 

This morning is was our very great pleasure to award Dr Chris Trethewy with a Paul Harris Fellowship. Rotarians associate the naming of a Paul Harris Fellow as a tribute to a person who has demonstrated a shared purpose with the educational and humanitarian objectives of The Rotary Foundation. 

The recognition is named after Rotary’s founder, the late Paul Harris, a Chicago lawyer, who started Rotary with three business associates in 1905. 

A world of goodwill and better understanding comes closer to reality today because the Rotary Club of Gosford City has made a gift to The Rotary Foundation so that Dr Chris Trethewy can be named as a Paul Harris Fellow. 

In being presented with a Paul Harris Fellow recognition, Chris joins a remarkable company of people throughout the world, all recognised for their commitment to ‘Service Above Self’ to benefit local and international communities. 

We sincerely thank Chris and congratulate him for his commitment to Rotary’s common goals of world understanding and peace.  New Paragraph

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