Another mover and shaker is Clive Blunt. Clive is the keeper of the BBQ trailer and I think most of the other big items belonging to the club. For future reference, don’t tell anyone you have a big garage. The trailer is in bigger demand these days and has to be moved around, registered, cleaned and resourced.
The logistics of MUNA has also been on Clive’s agenda, not to mention also being the club’s treasurer and a key organiser of our Boots fundraiser dinner.
Congratulations Clive.
In a club such as this, projects and events don’t happen unless someone leads them and in a volunteer organisation does most of the organising work. A hugely successful event for this club and one which has promise to grow bigger in the coming years is out mothers’ day flower stalls. The person responsible for introducing and driving that project is Robyn Parker. Robyn also perseveres in organising both the Peter Turnbull Community Service Awards and the Bob Ward Vocational Awards. I am grateful for your efforts this year.
Congratulations Robyn.
Please join me in thanking Jeff, Clive and Robyn.
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