Speaker - Matt Taylor on South Carolina USA

Peter Clarke • November 20, 2022

The US College System is a lifestyle of its own.

Thanks to local central coastie Matt Taylor for coming to talk to us about his home town in South Carolina USA. Matt gave us an overview of the history of South Carolina and his experiences in University.

South Carolina is rural state with just 4-5million people, with a large agricultural industry and great climate it is once of the many food bowl states in the US.

Matt started uni in the US and completed his studies here in Newcastle and Sydney. One of the main points was Uni in the US is a lifestyle with most people living on campus. Where in Australia it was more of study and then go home. Sports is another big focus for US universities, for example, The university Matt attended had a 80,000 seat stadium to accommodate the college football team. 

Typically university is self funded in the US with students left with large loans to re-pay, sounds familiar ! .. The first 4 years is dedicated to either a Bachelor of science, or a Bachelor of arts degree. With students then specialising in a master degree. With the whole qualification process taking 6 years in most cases.

Matt completed his masters here in Australia, studying architecture, and now works at CKDS Architecture here in East Gosford with Member and Past President Paul Jones.

Thanks so much Matt for sharing your insights into life in the US and your transition into life in on the Central Coast.

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