Speaker Kelly Drover - Michael Hughes Foundation and Feel the Magic

Anne Charlton • July 24, 2022

Do you know where your nearest defibrillator is ?

This morning we heard from the wonderful Kelly Drover and her efforts to raise funds for two important charities, Feel the Magic and the Michael Hughes Foundation. Feel the Magic is an Australian charity providing early intervention grief education programs for kids aged 7 to 17, who are experiencing pain and isolation due to the death of a parent, guardian, or sibling. Kelly has raised substantial funds and is now an Ambassador and mentor for Feel the Magic https://feelthemagic.org.au/

The Michael Hughes Foundation (MHF) is a purposeful Australian Charity and Social Enterprise with a focus on the community response to cardiac arrest and with a mission to Turn Bystanders Into First Responders in all medical events. Kelly’s personal story of loss and grief is substantial, having lost her husband to cardiac arrest in 2013. Kelly is determined to educate and resource as many individuals and groups to prevent devastating fatal cardiac arrest impacting the lives of others.

Working with Feel the Magic enables Kelly to positively impact and support young people who are grieving the death of a loved one. Kelly is determined to change the outcomes for grieving kids and to share grief aware practices with our community.

Kelly has walked the Kokoda Track, Mt Kosciusko and recently completed a half marathon as part of her fund and awareness raising efforts. Kelly is a passionate advocate for everyone in our community to learn first aid and to keep their CPR skills up to date. We thank and applaud Kelly for her efforts. Visiting our club has ensured that our members are more cardiac aware.

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