Speaker Ash Bowden - A Dr on the Move

Anne Charlton • March 13, 2022

'Do More' That is the simple action for us to take in Ash Bowden's message

It was a pleasure to meet Dr Ash Bowden this morning at our club breakfast. Ash was an inspiring guest; helping us all to unleash our inner fitness guru. 

We talked about some of the barriers to establishing exercise as a regular part of everyday life.  Procrastination was high on our list! But also, more serious issues like anxiety and self-belief create substantial barriers to getting active. Exercise can play a big role in tackling anxiety and Ash gave us the self-confidence to get out there and give it a go. 

We also talked about the prevalence of cancer in our community and the opportunity to be part of the #MoveAgainstCancer2022 Challenge this September. Ash is on a mission to get people exercising and moving to improve their health and happiness. Combining this ambition with raising awareness and much-needed funds for cancer research seems like a brilliant idea to us! Participation costs only $10, with all money going to Cancer Council and an array of prizes for steppers up for grabs kindly donated by local businesses to incentivise the Central Coast’s participants. 

Ash shared his pride and joy project with us; the Do More Activity Search Engine. It is a ‘Google for Exercise’, where Ash wants to empower everyone to find movement that suits them.  Ash maintains “If you’ve not found a movement you enjoy, then you’ve just not found it yet.” 

Thank you, Ash, for your wonderful presentation. Check out the Dr Do More database here: 

Profile: Dr Ash Bowden

Ash Bowden is a doctor on the Central Coast and who is passionate about improving health and happiness through physical activity, something he is lucky enough to be able to do in and out of work. Please come along and be inspired and pick up some tips on keeping yourself active and healthy. 

Ash says “After a light-bulb moment with an Intensive Care Consultant in the UK, I’ve dedicated my career to improving how active we can all be. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends just 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week – something 55% of adults in Australia are not achieving. Yet physical activity has so many benefits for our health! It’s not just the boring things like ‘cardiorespiratory disease’, blood pressure or Diabetes, it’s our mental health – that black dog we can all appreciate.” 

“My pride and joy is the Do More Activity Search Engine I created back in 2019, a ‘Google for Exercise’, where I want to empower everyone to find movement that suits them. Through the lens of social media, it’s easy to believe exercise is only something that models enjoy, but everyone can. If you’ve not found a movement you enjoy, then you’ve just not found it yet. Let me play matchmaker and find something to get you more activity so you can continue your journey to better physical and mental health.” 

“The goal here is to get our community more active. You’ll feel better, active businesses (or ‘Providers’) on the Central Coast will gain clients and, in the long run, fewer people will find themselves in hospital for preventable illness. I’m actually just trying to save myself some work.” 

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